Politics of Greece

Last words before the final settlement

Usually the day of voting has a lot of symbolism. In an age of visual communication, appearances do matter. Especially when everybody, inside and outside of Greece is well aware that the result of Sunday's, Jan. 25, early general elections may determine the balances inside the Eurozone, let alone the politics inside Greece.

Who Is Who: SYRIZA Leader Alexis Tsipras in Brief

Alexis Tsipras, the 40-year-old leader of radical left SYRIZA, is now making headlines around the world as his party is becoming Greece's largest electoral force. 

Tsipras's activity has fueled much speculation over the past few years, ranging between "the man who could save Europe" and "the man who could bring Europe to its collapse".

SYRIZA 'Clear Election Winner' According to Exit Polls

Leftist SYRIZA party, which wants to revoke Greece's bailout program, is poised to win Sunday's snap poll in the country, according to exit polls.

Though polling stations are to close within a few hours, some pollsters have already announced partial results, according to the BBC and German weekly Der Spiegel.

How Is SYRIZA's Performance Affecting Greek, EU Politics?

Hours before polling stations close in Greece, many media outlets place an emphasis on the impact Alexis Tsipras's Coalition of the Radical Left (known for its acronym SYRIZA) is having on the nation's political landscape.

This comes against the backdrop of opinion polls' estimates that the leftist party will be the clear winner of the elections.
