Politics of Kosovo

Serbian ambassador summoned over Vučić’s statements about Slovenia

Ljubljana – The Slovenian Foreign Ministry has summoned Serbian Ambassador to Slovenia Zorana Vlatković for talks over the statements that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić made about Slovenia during Slovenian President Borut Pahor’s visit in Belgrade on Saturday.

Serbia and Kosovo Agreed on Free Movement

Serbia and Kosovo have reached an agreement on free movement, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell announced.

"Under the EU-backed dialogue, Serbia agreed to remove the requirement for special entry and exit documents for holders of Kosovar identity documents. Kosovo has agreed not to introduce them for holders of Serbian identity documents," Borrell said.

The first loser of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is known

Analyst Dejan Vuk Stankovi.told Sputnik that the EU only received a mandate to resolve operational and technical issues in coordination with the USA. He adds that in the most recent crisis, the fact that Brussels has no influence on the Kosovar Albanians has only come to light, but its influence on Belgrade is quite questionable.
