Politics of the United Kingdom

Turkey 'not safe for refugees' claim insulting: Cameron

It is insulting to suggest Turkey is not a safe country for Syrian refugees, British Prime Minister David Cameron has said.

Cameron was addressing lawmakers in the House of Commons on last week's refugee deal between Turkey and the European Union, replying to a question from opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn. 

Cameron: EU deal with Turkey to significantly reduce migrant flow

David Cameron welcomed the EU deal with Turkey saying that it could “significantly” reduce numbers of migrants crossing the eastern Mediterranean to enter Greece by boat.

Mr. Cameron said the arrangement was “a plan to break the link between getting on a boat and getting settlement in Europe…. a plan to bust the business model of the smugglers”, as Reuters reports.

UK's Cameron Secures Ban on In-Work Benefits for EU Migrant Workers

British Prime Minister David Cameron has secured allowance to a ban on in-work benefits for EU migrant workers, at a meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk.

The step will be enforced if London votes to stay in the EU. Other member states will also have to agree to the proposal.
