Portable software

EU’s new tech laws are working – small browsers gain market share

Independent browser companies in the European Union are seeing a spike in users in the first month after EU legislation forced Alphabet's Google, Microsoft and Apple to make it easier for users to switch to rivals, according to data provided to Reuters by six companies.

Chrome plugin ‘Focusbook’ helps limit time on endless Facebook scrolling!

Let’s face it, at one point or other we have all probably wasted hours upon hours of scrolling through countless Facebook posts. Once you go down that ‘Facebook rabbit hole’, you find difficult to let go. It has become like an addiction. Do not despair, because a new Chrome plugin is here to save the day and make you refocus.

Facebook Messenger Video Chat Now Available in Bulgaria

The Free Facebook Messenger Video Chat is already available in Bulgaria. The social network management has announced that the service still needs to be refined but is currently available in almost any country around the world. 

Users that would like to use the video chat need to update their Messenger apps. The service is now available for both Android and iOS and is free of charge. 
