Proto Thema

Unprecedented attack against “Guardian” and the “Financial Times” by Greek government

In an unprecedented level of press-bashing, the Greek government has unleashed a viscous attack on both international (Financial Times, Guardian) and Greek (Proto Thema) media outlets for being critical of its policies, adopting the doctrine of “anyone against us is our enemy”.

Video footage of extremists’ attack against ‘Proto Thema’ newspaper (video)

A video from the CCTV camera shows the moment 16 hooded extremists attacked the offices of “Proto Thema’ on Monday morning. An organisation identifying itself as ‘Rubicon’ claimed responsibility for the attack. At approximately 10.52 am a convoy of 6 bikes arrived at the main entrance of the building offices of newspaper ‘Proto Thema’ at its affiliate website.

Unknown individuals attack Proto Thema offices

A group of 16 people wearing helmets and covering their faces attacked with rocks and sledgehammers the offices of Proto Thema, while people were working inside the building.

The attackers caused damages at the glass front door of the building and two cars parked outside Proto Thema offices.

Anti-establishment Rubicon claimed responsibility of the attack.

Anarchists kick out students and professors and turn University building into refugee camp (photos)

While the Greek government is pleading with refugees and illegal immigrants to board the buses at Idomeni in northern Greece to relocate them to reception centers set up all over mainland Greece, the anarchists and other anti-authoritarian fringe groups are taking matters into their own hands by creating their own reception centers at University campuses.

Gov’t prepares plan to integrate refugee children to Greek schools

Greek government prepares a plan to integrate refugee children into Greek schools accepting its fate to host for a long time and incorporate large groups of immigrants and refugees in Greece risking to alter the characteristics of many local communities and ignoring the long term implications of that decision, given that many European countries are refusing to share responsibility.

No news services in 24-hour media strike

There will be a Greek Media blackout on Thursday, November 12, from 6 a.m. on Thursday, November 12, through to 6 a.m. on Friday, November 13, as part of a generl strike scheduled by the country’s private and public sector unions.

Proto Thema will not be sending news stories out during this time, along with other print, TV, radio and internet media services.
