
Turkish doctor back on duty after beating COVID-19

A Turkish doctor, who underwent treatment for COVID-19 after contracting the new coronavirus, returned back to his duty after recovering.

Ufuk Çobanoğlu, the head of Thoracic Surgery Department at a medical center of Van Yuzuncu Yil University in eastern Turkey, was diagnosed with the disease around a month ago, according to a statement from the university.

‘Rising signs of depression, in Turkey’ warns medical expert

According to data from the Health Ministry, increasing number of people in Turkey suffer from depression, said Professor Mansur Beyazyürek. "Independent of their socio-economic level or political views Turks give signs of depression; this is across the board phenomenon," Beyazyürek told Hürriyet Daily News.

Survey among Students: Six Hours Spent behind the Desk Leads to Depression

Six hours behind the desk are enough for teenagers to develop some form of depression, according to researchers quoted by Metro. The newspaper cites a study by specialists at University College London. They examined data from 4257 adolescents whose movements were monitored with accelerometers for at least 10 hours a day. Participants' behavior was reported at 12, 14, and 16 years of age.

Study shows 37 percent of teens addicted to internet

A couple of youngsters check their smartphones while sitting on the steps at Syntagma Square in central Athens. A new study has found that 37 percent of teenagers demonstrated signs of internet addiction in 2019, compared to 13 percent in 2013. Meanwhile, more than 30 percent said they suffered online harassment in 2019, up from 20 percent in 2013.

52% of Bulgarian Teens Have Been Exposed to Extreme Online Content

52% of Bulgarian teenagers aged 14-19 have been exposed to extreme content online, according to a nationally representative survey, part of a national "Find another way" campaign aimed at promoting critical thinking and civic engagement among young people. About 30% of them came across such content by accident, the survey shows.

Prison bill to toughen rules

A new bill to be tabled in Parliament in the coming days by the Citizens' Protection Ministry aims to tighten the regime for the transfer of prisoners to rural detention facilities, according to General Secretary for Anti-Crime Policy Sofia Nikolaou.
Nikolaou told Kathimerini that 200 inmates have escaped during transportation in the past four years.
