
Turkish columnist faces probe for 'insulting Erdo?an'

Two separate probes have been launched against Cengiz Çandar, Radikal news portal columnist, for his seven articles allegedly insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an. 

"The personal rights of my client, President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, were abused by accusation via press including insults," said Erdo?an's lawyer, Ahmet Özel, in his petition. 

Details of attack on Hürriyet in 11 points

Radikal, one of Turkey?s most popular news websites, shares offices with Turkish newspaper Hürriyet and its English-language sister the Hürriyet Daily News. It published the following account as an editorial on Sept. 7, hours after the violent attack carried out on the office building by pro-Justice and Development Party (AKP) protesters:

BLOG: Radikal newspaper curtsies goodbye and takes leave from Turkey’s sick sector

What an ironic date for a farewell: On June 21, at the beginning of the summer, Radikal - arguably the most important newspaper in the Turkish media landscape to overtly adopt a rights-based perspective, while still managing to remain relevant to the general public - was printed and distributed for the last time, as it heads into a digital-only format.