
Greeks want more women and technocrats in politics

Greeks have revised their view regarding technocratic governments, according to a Pew Institute poll of 24 nations for 2023, which found that support for expert cabinet members in Greece climbed by 25% in the last five years.

At the same time, citizens want more women, young people, and religious people in politics, as they have lost faith in the current political leadership.

Prof. Steve H. Hanke: Bulgarian Political Class Takes its Orders from Brussels and Washington

"Bulgaria has had a history of low deficit, low debt to GDP. So that part of the system has worked very well. We can say that the monetary and fiscal situation has worked well since July 1997, when we installed the currency board in Bulgaria. So, it's a big success. Now, the failure side was obvious to me when I was an advisor to President Stoyanov in 1997. And that is corruption.

Postal voting bill amendment seeks inclusion of Greeks abroad in national elections

Interior Minister Niki Kerameus introduced an amendment to the postal voting bill in parliament on Monday proposing the adoption of postal voting for Greeks living abroad in both European and national elections.  

The announcement was made during the parliamentary debate on the legislation related to postal voting in European elections and referenda. 

Postal voting for European elections and referenda

Interior Minister Niki Kerameos and Deputy Minister Theodoris Livanios gave further details at a press conference on Thursday on the introduction of postal voting to the European elections.

The minister clarified that the postal voting bill does not currently concern the general elections, but only European elections and referenda.

MPs Block Bid to Lower Referendum Bar in Bulgaria

In a decisive move, Bulgarian deputies have rejected proposals to lower the threshold for holding referendums in the country. The National Assembly, in a session today, dismissed the draft law on amendments to the Law on Direct Participation of Citizens in State Power and Local Self-Government, as put forth by the party "There Is Such A People" (TISP).

"Vazrazhdane" admits that Bulgaria will Accept the Euro and wants to Postpone it As Long as Possible

Over 470,000 are the legitimate signatures for holding a referendum on whether Bulgaria should adopt the single European currency in 2025. This was shown by the check of over 600,000 signatures submitted by the "Vazrazhdane" (Revival) party, made by Main Directorate "Civil Registration and Administrative Service".
