Religion and abortion

Bishop stirs national uproar over comment that a woman is not raped ‘without wanting it’

By George Gilson

Titular Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Dodoni shocked the Greek public and caused an ecclesiastical and political uproar over his preposterous remark in an interview that touched on abortion and rape that a woman must have "participated" and essentially consented to rape if she remains pregnant from a rapist.

What Happens When You Lose Abortion Rights and How to Win Them Back: 6 Lessons From Poland

The cultural tier has to do with language and public imagination. The strategy is far more insidious than just taking part in public debate. Anti-choice propaganda is relentless, loud, gruesome and repetitive. It ignores reality, it appeals to deep-felt anxieties. It can be brutal, as with images of cut-up, bloody foetuses paraded in front of schools or driven around on the sides of vans.

300,000 abortions performed in Greece each year!

Greece might have one of the lowest birth rates in the world with only 100,000 new births registered last year, but it also has n average of 300,000 abortions a year! The data, which sheds light on the acute demographic problem facing the country, is based on a survey conducted by the professor of medical and biological chemistry of the University of California, Mr. M. Gkokas.
