Republic of Serbian Krajina

Remains of 14 Serb victims in Croatia identified

BELGRADE - The remains of 14 victims of Serb nationality, killed during the armed conflicts in the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in Croatia, were identified at the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminology of the School of Medicine in Zagreb, in the presence of family members.

Cancer-stricken Hague defendant denied temporary release

Cancer-stricken Hague defendant denied temporary release

THE HAGUE -- The Hague-based Hague Tribunal (ICTY) has rejected the motion of Goran Hadzic's defense for his provisional release on humanitarian grounds.

The defense requested that the former political leader of Serbs in Croatia be temporarily released from custody "for 12 or more weeks of medical treatment in Serbia."

Hadzic seeks urgent temporary release on grounds of illness

THE HAGUE - Goran Hadzic (56), a war crimes indictee in detention at The Hague, has asked the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to urgently grant him temporary release so he could undergo chemotherapy as he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, the ICTY said in a release on Friday.
