
Another 604 migrants bound for deportation to be transferred to the mainland

The government on Friday began transferring a total of 604 migrants from the islands of Samos, Chios and Lesvos to closed facilities on the Greek mainland.

The transfer concerns people that entered Greece iafter March 1, 2020, when the government decided to suspend the asylum procedure for all new arrivals amid an influx of arrivals from the coast of Turkey.

Dendias calls for migration burden sharing in speech to UN Human Rights Council

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias in a speech to the annual meeting of the UN Human Rights Council - which this year focused on the protection of children - stressed that Greece has saved the lives of thousands of refugees and migrants and has shouldered a disproportionately large share of the burden of the crisis.

Government to proceed with new island camps, despite reactions

The government is determined to move ahead with its plan to build new holding facilities for migrants and refugees as part of a plan to accelerate asylum procedures and deportations on the five islands hosting camps, its spokesman said on Tuesday, amid reactions to the scheme from island residents.

Greek island protesters vow to stop new migrant camps

Protest groups on three eastern Greek islands have begun setting up blockades aimed at stopping the government from building new migrant detention centers.

The groups on Lesvos, Chios and Samos have received broad support on the islands including from municipal authorities and farming associations.
