
US sanctions on Turkey were ‘necessary,’ says Greek FM

Washington's decision to impose sanctions on Turkey over its purchase of a Russian missile defense system was "necessary" as a means of underscoring that Ankara has "crossed the line," not only with its acquisition of the S-400, but also with its behavior in the Eastern Mediterranean, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said on Wednesday.

First woman official guiding ships passing through Istanbul Strait

Gizem Turan, 31, has become the first woman official to serve in the Directorate General of Coastal Safety assigned with the duty to guide and assist vessels of 250-meters-long or more that pass the Istanbul Strait.

"I am the chief officer of the towing boat called Kurtarma 8, and the only woman working in a tugboat under the Directorate General of Coastal Safety," Turan said.

‘Caretta carettas in danger of hypothermia’

The endangered Caretta caretta sea turtles are at the risk of experiencing cold shock due to hypothermia with the onset of winters as the air cools down, said Professor Yakup Kaska, the head of the Sea Turtles Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (DEKAMER), adding that there is no problem in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas at present.

Status of 152 isles unclear, says architect of Turkey’s ‘Blue Homeland’ doctrine

Retired rear admiral Cihat Yayci, architect of Ankara's expansionist "Blue Homeland" doctrine and its maritime borders pact with Libya's Tripoli-based government, has said that Turkey's continental shelf extends to the medial line of the Aegean Sea, while questioning Greek sovereignty over 152 islands.

Greece calls on Germany to ‘set example’ by imposing arms embargo to Turkey

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias called on Germany to "set a clear example" in the European Union and halt its scheduled sale of weapons to Turkey amid increased tensions in the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean over energy resources and territorial claims.

Jellyfish rising in Bosphorus Strait raise concerns

Istanbul is witnessing a rise in the number of jellyfish on its shores, especially in the Bosphorus Strait, which connects the Aegean Sea to the Marmara Sea, due to strong winds drawing ocean currents.

"There is a high concentration of jellyfish off Arnavutköy and Sarayburnu," said Melek İşinibilir Okyar, an academic from Istanbul University.
