Stara Zagora

European Commission Initiates Proceedings Against Bulgaria, Austria, and Poland for Missed Climate Plan Deadlines

The European Commission has taken formal action against Bulgaria, Austria, and Poland, urging these nations to submit their revised national energy and climate plans aligning with the EU's 2030 climate and energy goals. This action follows a failure to meet the June 30, 2023 deadline for submitting updated plans, a requirement outlined by European regulations.

Bulgaria's Just Transition: EU Injects EUR 1.2 Billion to Transform Coal Regions into Green Hubs

Bulgaria embarks on a green revolution with the European Commission's endorsement of the country's Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs), marking a monumental stride toward sustainable development. The European Union's Just Transition Fund (JTF) is set to infuse Bulgaria with EUR 1.2 billion, earmarked to empower regions grappling with coal phase-outs and CO2 emission cuts.

The Minister of Transport changed the Management of “Bulgarian Railways” due to Poor Results

Bulgaria's Minister of Transport, Georgi Gvozdeikov, dismissed the board of directors of "BDZ Holding" (Bulgarian Railways). Atanas Atanasov, Vladimir Dunchev, Valya Petrova were released.

They are expected to be paid benefits for missed notice periods, according to their company management contracts.

Over 2 Billion Leva of European Funds will be Provided for the Development of 3 Bulgarian Provinces

The territorial plans of the three coal provinces Stara Zagora, Kyustendil and Pernik have been published for public discussion. In the following weeks, they will be discussed with the social partners and local residents, and at the end of September they will be sent to Brussels for approval.

Bulgaria: The Abuser from Stara Zagora will Remain in Custody

Georgi Nikolaev will remain in custody. This was decided by the District Court in Stara Zagora.

In front of the court, Nikolaev stated that he never threatened to kill 18-year-old Debora Mihailova.

He has been charged with 6 counts of making death threats both in person and on social media.

Bulgaria: The Girl who was the Victim of a Brutal Attack that Sparked Mass Protests Thanked for the Support

"My hair will grow, my scars will fade, and your support will forever be in my heart! Thank you!" This is what the injured girl from Stara Zagora wrote on Facebook, in her first public appearance after it became clear that she was a victim of violence by Georgi Nikolaev, who cut her body with a dummy knife and shaved her hair.
