Stock market crashes

Investors staying away from Greek paper

The deterioration of the investment climate in emerging markets, along with the still fragile picture in Greece, despite its exit from the bailout program, and talk of government handouts ahead of the Thessaloniki International Fair are driving investors away from Greek securities, with bond yields climbing to three-month highs on Wednesday.

Greece and the 10th anniversary of the global financial crisis

We are at the 10th anniversary of the global financial crisis that laid ruin to the Greek economy. The overriding lesson of the global crisis is the persistently weak governance of the global financial system. I count six basic blunders that cost the world trillions of dollars in lost output and years of anguish.

Moody's thumbs up to Bank of Cyprus bad loans sale

The recent sale of non-performing loans by the Bank of Cyprus worth 2.8 billion euros is a positive step, according to Moody's credit rating agency.

Moody's Investors Service pointed out in a September 3 report that the sale would reduce significantly the overall NPL burden of the Bank while also increasing its capital reserves.

SEV calls for fiscal discipline in post-bailout period

Greece's post-bailout recovery will require "a greater sense of responsibility" from the country's political leadership than that exhibited during the adjustment period of the last eight years, as Greece will lose the financial safety net provided by its creditors, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) said on Thursday.
