
‘I could not deny a human right to fellow citizens,’ says Greek Muslim MP

In Islam, homosexuality is a grave sin that is believed to incur the wrath of Allah. In some strict Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, punishments such as flogging, stoning, and burning at the stake are prescribed.

Muslims ’stone the devil’ as almost million-strong hajj winds down

Muslim pilgrims cast pebbles in the "stoning of the devil" ritual marking the start of the Eid al-Adha holiday on July 9, as this year's expanded hajj pilgrimage was winding down.

From first light, small groups of worshippers made their way across the valley of Mina, near Mecca in western Saudi Arabia, to throw stones at three concrete walls representing Satan.

Court confirms verdict for suspects for police stoning

BELGRADE - The Belgrade Appellate Court confirmed the verdict of four months of imprisonment each for three defendants charged with stoning the police cordon guarding the Belgrade Bajrakli Mosque in the night between March 17 and 18, 2004.

The sentences were confirmed for Milos Radisavljevic as one of the leaders of the Alcatraz football fan group, his father Rade and Bojan Hrvatin.