
Plevneliev Urges Changes to Election Rules to Boost Turnout, Reduce Vote Buying

Bulgaria's President Rosen Plevneliev on Wednesday sumbitted to parliament a proposal to hold a national referendum on amendments to voting rules alongside the local elections on 25 October.

In remarks released by his office Plevneliev explained that the changes aim to reduce the weight of manipulated or controlled vote in the overall results and boost voter turnout.

As Turks begin voting in more countries, general election turnout increases on weekend

Turkish citizens living in Italy, UK, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia have begun casting their votes to participate in Turkey's general election that officially starts on June 7, boosting turnout with more votes from abroad.

Polling committee head dismissed in Germany over multiple vote attempt

A polling committee head living in Frankfurt has been caught while attempting to vote in the name of somebody else in Turkey's upcoming June 7 general election.

The president of the number six ballot box Hasan Tüfek, who is also a religious official in the city, cast his own vote on May 14 and took photos of himself while voting.
