
Heavy snowfall to blanket Bucharest, 14 counties starting Thursday night

Bucharest and other 14 counties will be under code orange of heavy snowfall on Thursday night, while 16 counties will be under the code yellow of abundant snowfall starting Thursday afternoon, according to warnings issued Wednesday by the National Weather Administration (ANM).

Orthodox Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Demetrius and the Begining of Winter

Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria, Greece and other churches observing the Gregorian calendar are celebrating Thursday the holiday of St Demetrius. 

Due to his Slavic origin the saint is honoured by all Slavic peoples and for the Bulgarians and Serbs he is the patron of the entire Slavonic world. 

Most brutal tyrants in history (photos)

As the saying goes ‘One man’s hero is another man’s tyrant’. No matter what we believe about the validity or virtues of a political agenda, there is no doubt that some leaders did not hold back in brute force when trying to achieve their goals. Here is a brief list of the most ruthless leaders of all time. You could probably add many more.

Romanians Yearn for Rule by Vlad the Impaler

Democracy may have had its day in Romania, considering the results of a recent poll, which showed that many Romanians would like to hand the country over to the cruel medieval prince called Vlad the Impaler - if he was still alive.

The prince of Wallachia, nowadays southern Romania, is widely seen as a hero and a great leader by many Romanians.

BEYOND HISTORY/ The Rupea fortress' journey from ruin to popular tourist attraction following rehabilitation

One of Transylvania's most precious A-list monuments of national and universal importance is the medieval Rupea Fortress, also known as the Cohalm Fortress, that sits atop the Cohalm Hill, at the crossroads of the routes that connected Transylvania with the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia; the once derelict historic site now attracts tens of thousands of tourists a year after having un

Iasi: President Iohannis, PM Ponta, Chisinau and Cernauti City Mayors attend ceremonies in Union Square

President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Victor Ponta on Saturday morning attended, in the Union Square, in Iasi City, the ceremonies organised by the local authorities marking the 156th anniversary since the unification of Moldavia with Wallachia (Tara Romaneasca), inaugurated with the playing of the national anthem and military honours.
