Google Maps

Google Maps Now Provides Information About Public Transport Timetables in Sofia

The Google Maps mobile application now provides real-time information on the timetable of public transport in Sofia, Vladislav Panev, the deputy from "Democratic Bulgaria - We Continue the Change", announced in his Facebook post. From a discussion below the post, it is clear that the functionality has been available for quite some time, but has not been reported.

Google Street View cars return to Romania to update images in more than one hundred localities

The Google Street View cars are coming back to Romania and they will reach, in the coming months, in over a hundred localities, to update the Street View images of cities, roads and highways on Google Maps, the technology company informed in a press release on Thursday.

Google Street View is Updating the Map of Bulgaria

The changing infrastructure and outlook of Bulgaria will be reflected in the Google Maps application. Google cars will be circumnavigating the streets and roads of Bulgaria by the end of the summer to capture the changes, this time including footage taken by pedestrians, the so-called trackers, in the app, the company said.

Laundromats mushrooming to serve visitors at short-term lets

Looking up the address 38 Falirou Street in Koukaki, central Athens, on Google Maps, you will find a photo of a car repair shop. If you actually go to the spot, however, it will be a letdown if you had been hoping to have your car repaired, and Google Maps won't be to blame, as a new enterprise has only just begun operating at this address in the last few weeks.

Google Maps Shows the Tracking Cameras as Well as Speed Limits

Users from around the world will have access to the service, reported NOVA TV. 

Speed ​​tracking cameras are already available on Google Maps.

Service users have access to the latest version of the application. The company has not yet published an official announcement about countries where the service is active.
