First Amendment to the United States Constitution

Recognizing that others may have a point too

Developments at Columbia University and other campuses in the United States and the arrest of protesting students cannot but cause alarm - regardless of whether or not one agrees with their point of view - about the freedom of speech. The arrests also hark back to behavior and actions that we believed, perhaps naively, were well behind us.

University fiefdoms

The fact that (yet another) last-minute amendment is required to overcome the short-circuiting caused by factionalism on the newly elected administrative boards does not cover the academic community in glory.

Amendment writes off multi-million-euro fine imposed on tobacco firm SEKAP

The government on Friday submitted an amendment in Parliament writing off a 44-million-euro fine the state had imposed on tobacco company SEKAP over smuggling infractions.
SYRIZA had voted a similar amendment in 2017, but an appeals court in northern Greece upheld the fine in 2017, noting that it did not have a retroactive application.

Princeton anthropology Prof’s “F*CK FREE SPEECH” lecture flaunts a complete ignorance of U.S. Constitution

Rouse, Director of Princeton’s Department of Anthropology, gave a lecture on Constitution Day titled, “F*ck Free Speech: An Anthropologist’s Take on Campus Speech Debates,” although is still unclear why an anthropology professor was giving a lecture on the Constitution.

Amendment on reimbursement of broadcasting fees submitted in Parliament

Greece's left-led administration on Wednesday submitted an amendment in Parliament laying out the details for the reimbursement of some 85 million euros paid as first instalment by private TV stations for the acquisition of national broadcasting licenses following last year's state-supervised auction.

Govt eyes ‘exceptions’ to law mandating online posting of public sector decisions

The leftist Greek government’s apparent displeasure with the online publication of various state sector expenditures is reportedly behind an amendment allowing for an “exception” to a draft law mandating the posting of all public administration decisions on the Internet.