
Safety net launched for marine fauna

A six-year program to record and protect nine emblematic, but also vulnerable species of the Greek marine fauna was launched a few days ago with the participation of educational and research institutions and environmental organizations.

The European program called "LIFE MareNatura - conservation of marine megafauna species in Greece and Italy" has a budget of 11 million euros. 

Scientists solve whale song mystery

Whales sing loud enough that their songs travel through the ocean, but knowing the mechanics behind that has been a mystery.

Scientists now think they have an idea, and it's something not seen in other animals: A specialized voice box.

Experts say the discovery, while based on a study that is too tiny to be definitive, will direct future research into how whales communicate.

Greenpeace Greece urges scrapping of offshore gas drilling project because of impact on whales, dolphins

Greenpeace has urged the government to abandon a deep-sea gas exploration project in the Mediterranean, citing newly published research to argue that its impact on endangered whales and dolphins would be greater than previously believed.

Egypt dig unearths 41 mln-year-old whale in desert

Paleontologists in Egypt have unearthed an extinct species of whale that lived 41 million years ago when whale ancestors were just completing their move from land to sea.

The team has dubbed the species "Tutcetus rayanensis" after the Egyptian boy king Tutankhamun and the Wadi El-Rayan Protected Area in Egypt's Fayoum Oasis where the type specimen was found.
