
Country: Russia Population: 11 577 022

Russia's Putin to Discuss Energy Ties in Hungary Visit

The renewal of long-term contracts for gas supplies and further energy cooperation are expected top the agenda of Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Budapest on Tuesday.

Putin is to meet Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in what will be his first trip to an EU country since June 2014.

EU extends "black list" of Russians

EU extends "black list" of Russians

BRUSSELS, MOSCOW -- The European Union has extended its sanctions against Russian citizens, so that its "black list" now contains 151 names.

19 names have been added to the list, including deputy defense ministers Anatoly Antonov and Arkady Bakin, and Head of the Directorate of Operations General Andrei Kartapolov.

Ukraine cease-fire or respite to war?

With news that moments after the Ukraine cease-fire went into effect, there were some serious violations, fingers were crossed with wishes that the "glimmer of hope" as described by Angela Merkel - who together with President François Hollande of France brokered the deal in talks in Minsk, Belarus with Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine - will hold.

Geopolitics versus politics in Greek debt drama

By Paul Taylor

In the tug-of-war over Greece's debt crisis, geopolitics and domestic politics are pulling in opposite directions.

Greece's strategic location and ties to Russia give its new leftist-led government some leverage in its struggle to make European Union creditors ease up on austerity and give Athens more time to repay its mountain of debt, if it ever does.

Legendary marathon runner Franjo Mihalic passes away

BELGRADE- Renowned Yugoslav marathon runner Franjo Mihalic passed away at the age of 95 in Belgrade on Saturday.

The legendary winner of silver medals at the Olympics in Melbourne dedicated his whole life to sport, especially athletics.

Mihalic broke down 22 records in his career, and his greatest success was the silver medal at the Olympic Games in Melbourne in April 1956.
