

ForMin Aurescu participates in ministerial reunion of Eastern Partnership

The Foreign Affairs minister, Bogdan Aurescu has participated on Monday in the ministerial reunion of the Eastern Partnership, organized in the sidelines of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), in Luxemburg, a press release by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) sent AGERPRES, informs.

Photo credit: (c) Simion MECHNO / AGERPRES PHOTO

Government takes state bodies' cash reserves to meet needs

With pressure growing on state coffers as cash reserves run low without any immediate prospect for the release of rescue loans, the government on Monday signed a legal degree obliging state bodies, with the exception of pension funds, to transfer their reserves to the Bank of Greece for the state?s use.

Greece bailout plan still lacking, ECB chief Mario Draghi says

Greece needs to urgently do much more to present an acceptable plan to gain further EU financing, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi says.

With the clock ticking on Greek negotiations with the European Union for the release of another 7.2 billion euros bailout funds, Draghi said Greece's framework for bailout financing going ahead is still lacking.

Fleeting deal between Athens and EZ creditors generates heated political fallout

Developments, most negative, continued over the weekend on the so-called "Greek issue", both domestically and overseas, with German FinMin Wolfgang Schauble downplaying the possibility of a deal with Athens to unblock bailout funds at next week's closely watched Eurogroup meeting in Riga.

Brussels Group meets at noon in Paris

Brussels Group will get back down to business on Saturday at around 3 pm (Athens time), in a meeting that will take place in Paris, France for “technical reasons,” as announced by the Greek Ministry of Finance.

The aim of the meeting is to prepare for the next Eurogroup to be held on Friday, April 24 in Riga, Latvia.

ForMin Aurescu talks with adviser for European affairs to Chancellor Angela Merkel

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday received Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, adviser for European affairs to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, in the context of the latter's visit to Romania.

Photo credit: (c) Simion MECHNO / AGERPRES ARCHIVE
