

Commissioner Dombrovskis tells Bloomberg: Greek talks with Union 'very complicated'

European Union Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis on Monday called technical negotiations with the radical leftist government in Athens "very complicated", while much more work needs to be done so that an agreement to extend a loan agreement for cash-strapped Greece is achieved before or during an April 24 Eurogroup meeting.

Greece has six working days to present new reform proposals

The Euro Working Group (EWG) of eurozone technical staff gave Greece on Wednesday night an ultimatum of six working days to present its proposals with a regard to a string of reforms that could unlock financial aid to the cash-strapped country in the upcoming Eurogroup meeting scheduled to take place in Riga on April 24.

Government giving mixed signals on reform intentions as creditors push for action

As technical teams resume their fact-finding efforts in Athens, eurozone finance ministry officials are on Wednesday to discuss Greek proposals for reforms amid mixed signals from the government about what measures are actually on the table of talks.

Big week for Greece as cash runs out and election scenario looms

Greece faces another critical week with looming debt repayment obligations and the resumption of tough talks on a proposed list of reforms with the country?s international creditors amid renewed speculation about the possibility of a Greek default or an early general election.
