Tel Aviv


Serbs, Israelis, Buy Montenegrin Arms Firm

According to the draft agreement for the sale of MDI, which BIRN has seen, a consortium of two companies, CPR-IMPEX from Belgrade and ATL Atlantic Technologies Ltd from Tel Aviv, are required to invest an additional 400,000 euro by the end of 2015.

The Serbo-Israeli joint offer was the sole bid for the tender, which was completed in last December.  

Belgrade at Tourism Fair in Turkey

BELGRADE/ISTANBUL - The Tourist Organisation of Belgrade will present Serbia at the Tourism Fair in Istanbul from January 22 to 25, and the stand with the offer of Belgrade and Serbia was visited by Istanbul Mayor Kadir Topbas after the official opening ceremony, the Secretariat for Economy released.

At Least 9 Passengers Stabbed in Tel Aviv Bus Attack

An attacker has stabbed at least nine people traveling in a bus in central Tel Aviv, Israeli police say.

Two of the wounded are in critical condition, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The perpetrator, 23, has been shot by police officers after attempting to flee and has been wounded.

Police reports suggest he is from the West Bank city of Tulkarem.

Israel police detain eight anti-Arab extremists

Israel police rounded up eight Jewish extremists from a racist anti-Arab organisation overnight, a spokeswoman said early Dec. 21, in the second such swoop targeting the group within a week.

The suspects were rounded up in a series of raids across central and southern Israel and the occupied West Bank, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said.        

IDC shows over 100 diamonds in Belgrade exhibition

IDC shows over 100 diamonds in Belgrade exhibition

BELGRADE -- Israel Diamond Center, also known as the House of Diamonds, has opened its first exhibition of diamonds in Belgrade, Tanjug reported.

The exhibition presents over 100 jewelry pieces, including a heart-shaped yellow diamond worth half a million euros.

Israel PM rejects withdrawal talk ahead of Kerry meet

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Dec. 14 rejected talk of Israel withdrawing from east Jerusalem and the West Bank within two years, on the eve of a meeting with the top US diplomat.
"We... stand against the possibility of a diplomatic assault, that is an attempt to compel us by means of UN decisions to withdraw to the 1967 lines within two years," said Netanyahu.
