

Bosnian War Victims Rally Against Peter Handke’s Nobel Award

Members of the Association of Victims and Witnesses of Genocide and their supporters gathered on Tuesday in front of the Swedish embassy in Sarajevo to protest against the decision last month by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to award the Nobel Prize for literature to author Peter Handke, who took a pro-Serb stance during wartime.

Free Influenza Vaccines For Over 120,000 People Over 65

Free influenza vaccines for people over 65 will be available in the second half of October. This was announced by the state health inspector Dr. Angel Kunchev in the studio of BNT's Morning Block. Four strains of the virus will attack us this winter. Our country is one of the last places in Europe in the number of vaccines purchased.

The First Implementation of the Euthanasia Act in Australia

An elderly woman suffering from cancer has become Australia's first resident to benefit from the right to euthanasia, ABC reported, quoted by NOVA.

In June, legislation to legalize euthanasia came into force in Victoria in Australia. Victoria became the first state in the country to legalize euthanasia.

The Most Visited Museums in the World

The flow of tourists to the most visited museums in Europe has grown by 6.1% in 2018, with the number of passages through the halls of the most sought-after museum have increased to its highest extent.

This is reflected in the annual review of the world's attractions and museums of the US-based International Theme Parks Association.

Drug racket unraveled in Athens

Another drug racket operating in central Athens was unraveled by police Thursday.

Four foreign nationals - three Albanians and a Tunisian - aged between 27 and 63, were arrested in the neighborhood of Aghios Panteleimonas on charges of running a criminal gang and drug dealing.

Police said the gang was also active in the neighborhoods of Amerikis Square and Victoria.
