National Bank

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Maziotis aide linked to Trikala heist

Police have have redoubled their efforts to trace Spyros Dravilas, a 34-year-old being sought in connection with armed robberies involving jailed Revolutionary Struggle leader Nikos Maziotis, after an investigation pointed to Dravilas?s involvement in a heist last Thursday on a bank branch in the small town of Farkadona, near Trikala, central Greece.

Final push to save sale of Astir Palace

By Ilias Bellos

Majority stakeholder National Bank and interested investors are making a last-ditch effort to avert failure of the Astir Palace Resort sale, which has stumbled on the objections the Council of State to a presidential decree approving a radical revamp of the Astir plot at Vouliagmeni, and of the Mikro Kavouri peninsula more generally.

Greece must pay tranche for derivative on Friday

Payments on a swap originally arranged by Goldman Sachs Group Inc in 2001 are due on Friday, said a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified publicly.

The derivative, now held by the National Bank of Greece, masked the country?s growing debt, helping it meet European Union rules for entering the euro area.
