Office for Kosovo-Metohija

Telephone numbers in Kosovo-Metohija unchanged - gov't office

BELGRADE - Domestic charges apply - and will apply - to telephone traffic between central Serbia and Kosovo-Metohija, and the +383 geographic area code will not be required for calls in the Telekom Srbija landline and mobile networks, in spite of politically-motivated statements by the Pristina regulatory body, the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija said in a statement on Tuesday.

Serbia demands urgent extradition of Haradinaj

BELGRADE - Serbia demands an urgent extradition of Ramus Haradinaj, the head of the Office for Kosovo-Metohija, Marko Djuric, said Friday after a government session on the matter.

Serbia will continue to prosecute all those accused or indicted of war crimes, regardless of their ethnicity, the government concluded at the session.