Skai Television

Officers at stadiums to get allowance

The government plans to give an allowance to police officers who are in charge of checks at sports stadiums, as announced by the minister of citizen protection, Giannis Oikonomou, while speaking to Skai Television. 

"Police officers, among other civil servants and officials, will benefit from the increases we will have from January," he said.

Hostage to political necromancy

Alexis Tsipras's argument was most enlightening. Describing as "unjust and expedient" the criticism leveled at his government for the new penal code which allows terrorist killers to apply for conditional release earlier than before, he chose to "disarm" the journalist who raised the subject. "What you are doing now is very annoying… You are reproducing fake news," he declared.

ND solidifies 10-point lead over leftist SYRIZA in poll

Conservative New Democracy retains a 10 percentage point lead over leftist SYRIZA, according to the findings of a new opinion poll carried out the firm Pulse for Skai Television.

The survey found that if elections were held now 31.5 percent of respondents would vote for ND compared to 21.5 percent for leftist SYRIZA, which shares power with the right-wing Independent Greeks (ANEL).