Hostage to political necromancy

Alexis Tsipras's argument was most enlightening. Describing as "unjust and expedient" the criticism leveled at his government for the new penal code which allows terrorist killers to apply for conditional release earlier than before, he chose to "disarm" the journalist who raised the subject. "What you are doing now is very annoying… You are reproducing fake news," he declared. "I will answer, then, seeing as you are not acting as an opposition party but may have a healthy concern with the issue, as I know - and I respect this - that you now have a family relationship with a person who lost his father to November 17."
Speaking to Skai Television anchor Sia Kosioni, the prime minister was referring to her husband, Kostas Bakoyannis - the newly elected mayor of Athens, whose father, a New Democracy MP, was killed by the terrorist gang in 1989. In a few words, Tsipras set out the...

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