Bosnia and Herzegovina


Arrests made over Balkan war massacre in joint operation

Atifa Memovic last saw her husband two decades ago, but she remembers it as if it were yesterday. It was snowing, and Fikret, a railway worker, was wearing a jeans jacket with winter lining, a gray sweater over a checkered shirt, and on his wrist a Seiko watch. He kissed her and promised to be back on the afternoon train.

He never made it.

Arrests for 1993 Strpci station train kidnappings

Arrests for 1993 Strpci station train kidnappings

BELGRADE, SARAJEVO -- Five persons have been arrested in Serbia and ten in Bosnia-Herzegovina on suspicion that they took part in the 1993 kidnapping of train passengers.

The train was traveling on the Belgrade-Bar line when 20 passengers were taken out and later killed.

Linta: Memorial for Serb victims should be put up in Belgrad

BELGRADE - Miodrag Linta, president of the Coalition of Refugees Associations, called on the Belgrade City Commission for Monuments and Names of Streets and Squares on Thursday to support the initiative to put up a memorial to Serb victims killed in the 1991-2000 war conflicts in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

Dacic signs obligation on armament control

BASEL - Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro signed the document on takeover of full responsibility for regional stability and armament control at the OSCE Ministerial Council in Basel on Thursday.

The signed document contains amendments to Article IV of the Dayton Treaty which envisages transfer of powers in armament control to four former Yugoslav countries.

Bosnia Urged to Reform to Overcome Export Curbs

Renzo Daviddi, the deputy head of EU Delegation, said Thursday that the country has to raise standards and adopt the necessary veterinary and food safety legislation to be allowed to export milk to the EU. 

Daviddi said there were a lot of technical issues to be solved by various institutions but political will was needed to make a breakthrough.
