Bosnia and Herzegovina


EU expects "written commitment" from Bosnian leaders

EU expects "written commitment" from Bosnian leaders

BRUSSELS -- Political leaders and the government in Bosnia must make a written commitment to the reforms necessary to resolve a standstill "on the road to the EU."

This was announced on Monday at the end of a session of the Council of Ministers of the EU in Brussels....

Bosnia Presidency's Outoing Serb Slates OHR

Nebojsa Radmanovic, Serbian member of Bosnia's Presidency, at his farewell press conference on November 13 savaged the work of the Office of High Representative, OHR, which is tasked with overseeing implementation of the 1995 Dayton accords.

Radmanovic said High Representative Valentin Inzko's regular reports to the UN were untrue and unfounded.

Bosnia Finally Takes Control of Its Skies

The Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Navigation Services Agency, BHANSA, took control of the Balkan country's airspace for the first time on November 13.

Flight controllers in Bosnia will from now on control all aircraft flying up to around 10 kilometres in height. The agency will asume control of the country's upper airspace some time next year.
