

Bulgaria's President to Attend Double Canonization at the Vatican

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev will attend the canonization ceremony of blessed John XXIII and John Paul II in Vatican City on April 27.

The canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square will be held on the day on which the Roman Catholic Church marks Divine Mercy Day, according to the press office of the Bulgarian President.

Prosecutors Look into Minister's French Social Benefits

Bulgaria's Prosecuting Authority has started analyzing documents to find out whether Ivan Danov, the Minister of Investment Planning, has abused the French welfare system.

In an interview for Bulgaria's NOVA TV, Atanas Chobanov, a journalist, made the announcement after saying he had been interrogated last week over the issue.

Bulgaria's DPS Confirms EU Election List, Peevski Is Second

Bulgarian MP Delyan Peevski, whose appointment as head of the national security service sparked nationwide outrage, was confirmed to be second in his party's EU Elections list.

The order in the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS)'s list was confirmed after the party introduced it to the Central Electoral Commission, Bulgaria's television channel bTV reported.

Bulgaria Still Not Planning EU Funding, Report Says

Lack of priorities in distributing EU funds between 2014 and 2020 may be one of the reasons why Bulgaria is lagging behind the rest of Europe, a report by Bulgaria's National Audit Office says.

In its report, the Audit Office set out to find out whether the country was ready to manage European funding for 2014-2020.
