

Shadows of the Empire

The hourglass measures time in a very strange way. Unlike our round watches, or digital timekeepers, it does not treat every sand particle equally. Towards the end it speeds up. Tiny sand particles that are left at the end drop so fast that one wishes to stop it at some point.

18-year-old Albanian arrested in Greece wanted to join ISIS

An 18-year-old man arrested trying to cross into Greece illegally from Albania was on his way to Syria to join Islamic State fighters, sources told Kathimerini Thursday.

The teenager was arrested on Wednesday and handed over to Albanian authorities Thursday. They told their Greek counterparts that during questioning he revealed he was attempting join jihadists in Syria.

Great Albania threats to tear Balkan apart

Great Albania threats to tear Balkan apart

Albanian terrorists, members of the UCK attacked Macedonian institutions in the last two weeks in Gosinac, small city near the Albanian border. Many experts stated that these attacks are reprise of the same scenario like the one in Kosovo. One thing is sure: the tensions between Macedonia and Albania are growing.
