

University rankings and reforms

Eight Greek universities were included in the latest QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) global university rankings against the background of lively debates to review the Greek Constitution's Article 16, which prohibits the establishment of private universities, thus reducing competitiveness in the higher education landscape, as well as violating democratic principles.

Osman Hamdi painting to go on display in NY

As part of the 100th-anniversary celebrations of the Turkish Republic, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York will organize the 100th Anniversary Gala event on Oct. 25, with an exhibition featuring Turkish painter Osman Hamdi Bey's painting "Girl Reading the Qur'an" and artwork from Burhan Doğançay's "Ribbons" series.

Turks living abroad begin to cast ballots

The voting process to decide the next Turkish president and the parliamentary seats began for around 3.4 million Turks living abroad on April 27.

Turkish citizens can cast their votes without needing to book an appointment until May 9 at designated election bureaus and May 14 at border gates on 156 points across 73 countries, the Supreme Election Council (YSK) said.

The US has deployed a Warship to the South China Sea amid Beijing's Exercises off Taiwan

China simulated a "secession" of Taiwan on today's third day of military exercises around the island, and the US, in a show of force, deployed a warship in waters claimed by China, AFP reported.

China launched the drills in response to a meeting between Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in the US.
