

NATO's "Nordic Response 2024" Exercises Kick Off with Sweden and Finland Participation

As Sweden edges toward formal NATO membership, the nation's involvement in the alliance's extensive military maneuvers underscores its evolving defense ties. Joined by Finland, the region embarks on the "Nordic Response 2024" exercises, marking a significant step towards bolstering collective security in Northern Europe.

Greeks the undisputed leaders in tankers

Greek shipowners remain by far the dominant players in the global tanker market, as Greek-owned tankers reach a value of $70 billion, according to the British company VesselsValue.

According to the latest data, from February 2024, available to Kathimerini, Greek shipowners have the third largest fleet in the world, amounting to $169.4 billion approximately.

Serbia to be seeded in Davis Cup playoffs draw

LONDON - Serbia will be seeded in the draw for the September 13-15 tennis Davis Cup World Group 1 playoffs, the International Tennis Federation announced on its website on Tuesday.

The draw ceremony is scheduled for February 8.

The other seeds are Croatia, Sweden, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Switzerland, Hungary, Portugal, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel and Colombia.

Norwegian Inspiration: Bulgaria's Move Towards Environmentally Friendly Prisons

Bulgaria has taken its first strides toward the establishment of environmentally conscious prisons, announced the Justice Ministry on Thursday. Exploring the Norwegian model, Bulgarian authorities are considering training both inmates and staff in Belene and Pleven prisons to acquire skills and knowledge in the green economy.

Athens blocking EU-Tirana defense pact

Athens is standing in the way of an EU-Tirana Defense and Security Agreement over the Albanian government's intransigent stance regarding the incarceration of the ethnic Greek mayor of Himare, Fredi Beleri.

The EU is in the process of speeding up the procedures for signing agreements with third countries outside the Union with a view to better defense cooperation.
