

Turkey wants to seal trade deal with Qatar: PM

Signing a free trade agreement with Qatar is a major goal for Turkey, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu said April 28, according to Reuters.

Davuto?lu, on an official visit to the Gulf nation, made the comment in a speech at a business forum which was organized by the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DE?K). 

A final work by Zaha Hadid opens in Italy

One of the final works of Zaha Hadid, the acclaimed Iraqi-British architect who died suddenly last month, was posthumously inaugurated in Italy on April 25.

Inspired by an oyster, the new maritime terminal at the southern port of Salerno features a hard shell above a soft, fluid interior and the wavy lines that were Hadid's signature.

Turkey's first botanical expo opens in Antalya

The 2016 World Botanical EXPO, one of the largest horticultural shows in the world, opened its doors with an official ceremony on April 22 in the Mediterranean resort of Antalya.

President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu and cabinet ministers attended this year's opening ceremony, along with a number of ministers from more than 10 countries. 

Turkish PM to visit Qatar next week

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu will pay a two-day visit to Qatar next week, with the Syrian conflict topping the agenda. 

Earlier this month, Davuto?lu held a bilateral meeting with Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani when the two participated in a summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) hosted in Istanbul. 

Asia energy firms sink with oil as Doha output talks fail

Oil prices plunged in Asia on April 18, pushing energy firms and regional stock markets lower after the collapse of talks among the world's top oil producers intended to ease a global supply glut.

Hopes that the talks in Doha on Sunday would result in an output cap helped the black gold climb to 2016 highs last week, having approached 13-year lows just months ago.
