

UN says Security Council to hold emergency Ukraine meeting

The U.N. Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on Ukraine on Tuesday after a deadly Russian strike on a Kiev children's hospital, a spokesman for the world body said.

The session scheduled for 10:00 am (1400 GMT) follows a request from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, U.N. spokesman Farhan Aziz Haq told AFP.

Bulgargaz Seeks 400 Million Euros from Gazprom in Arbitration Claim

Bulgargaz, Bulgaria's state gas supplier, has initiated legal proceedings against Gazprom, the Russian energy giant, seeking 400 million euros in compensation for damages caused by the unilateral suspension of natural gas supplies over two years ago, by the end of April 2022, reports BNT.

Expectations from the NATO Summit: Bulgaria's Role in Collective Defense and Regional Stability

A report by GLOBSEC highlights the expectations of the eastern flank ahead of the NATO summit in Washington. Leaders are meeting today to talk until the end of the week at a time when NATO is in its most complex geopolitical situation since its inception.
