

Red Cross aid plane to Yemen held back by 'logistics problems'

The Red Cross said April 6 that an aid plane is ready to leave for Yemen but its departure has been held back by logistics problems inside the war-torn country.
"We have a cargo plane with medical supplies which is ready to go," Sitara Jabeen, a spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) told AFP.

Pope Francis calls for peace in annual Easter address (videos)

Pope Francis spoke at the Vatican, giving his annual urbi et orbi ("to the city of Rome and to the world") address at the end of Easter Mass. This year, the Pontiff lamented people's suffering, conflicts taking place in the world and violence. He pleaded for the end of violence, especially in Iraq and Syria. He called for humanitarian aid to make its way to places where it is needed.

Turkish school staff among 230 more evacuated from Yemen

Turkey evacuated 230 more people, including 185 Turkish nationals, from the Yemeni capital of Sanaa on April 5, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavu?o?lu has said.

More than 120 of the evacuated are personnel of Turkish schools affiliated with the Gülen movement, sources close to the issue told the Hürriyet Daily News.  

Romanian citizen, family member evacuated from Yemen

One Romanian citizen one family member were evacuated from Yemen on Sunday, the Spokesperson and Communication Directorate of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informed in a release to AGERPRES.

People line up for lunch at the Chinese Linyi missile frigate, April 2, 2015.
Photo credit: (c) Pan Siwei / XINHUA FLOW

Russia urges UN-mandated pause in Yemen air strikes

Russia called on the UN Security Council April 4 to push for a pause in the air war in Yemen, as a Saudi-led coalition pounded rebels in the country for a 10th day.
Yemen's main southern city, a last foothold of supporters of self-exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, has been shaken by more than a week of clashes between Shiite Huthi rebels and loyalist militia.

UN Security Council to Discuss Yemen over Saudi Bombing

The United Nations Security Council is hold an extraordinary meeting on Saturday over the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Earlier Russia called for the meeting, with its mission to the UN demanding closed-door consultations to "discuss an isse of humanitarian pause during coalition air strikes in Yemen," according to the Moscow Times.
