

UN chief Ban Ki-moon holds Baghdad talks

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Baghdad on March 30 for talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and other top officials.
Ban first met President Fuad Masum and Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and was also due to meet parliament speaker Salim al-Juburi before holding talks with Abadi.

Air raid kills 45 at Yemen displaced camp

An air strike killed dozens of people at a camp for displaced people in northwest Yemen on March 30, aid workers said, as Arab warplanes bombard rebels around the country.
The International Organization for Migration said 45 internally displaced people had been killed and 65 wounded at the Al-Mazrak camp in Hajja province.

Arab coalition bombs Yemen rebels for fifth night

Arab coalition warplanes carried out a fifth straight night of air strikes against Shiite rebels near the Yemeni capital and elsewhere in the violence-wracked country, residents said on March.
Fighter jets roared in the skies above Sanaa from 9 pm (1800 GMT) until around dawn, an AFP correspondent reported.

Syria to Yemen

Could there be that much of a difference between how developments of this "Greater Middle Eastern Area" are perceived in Ankara, Cairo or Kuwait? Listening in a Kuwait hotel room to a political analyst on a Saudi news channel reporting live on the Cairo meeting of the Arab League, the difference of perception was crystal clear.

Tunisian forces kill nine militants before world leaders attend 'Bardo' march

Tens of thousands of Tunisians marched through the capital in a show of solidarity against Islamist militants on March 29, hours after the government said its forces had killed nine members of a group suspected of carrying out this month's deadly Bardo Museum attack.

Saudi-Led Campaign Targets Rebel Positions in Yemen's Capital

Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Arab allies have carried out a third night of airstrikes on Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, to stem advances by Houthi rebels, Euronews reported on Sunday.

In his opening address at an Arab summit in Egypt, Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi directly blamed Iran for "destroying" Yemen and creating "a regional crisis."

UN staff flee war-torn Yemen, Russia voices concern

The United Nations evacuated staff from war-torn Yemen as Russia warned Saudi-led air strikes on Iranian-backed rebels were affecting crunch nuclear talks between world powers and Tehran.

Yemen's President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi urged his Arab allies to keep up the bombing raids in his country until the Huthi Shiite rebels surrender, branding them Iran's "puppet".

Saudi king: Yemen intervention won't stop until country safe

Saudi King Salman has vowed that the military intervention in Yemen will not stop until the country is stable and safe Saudi King Salman has vowed that the military intervention in Yemen will not stop until the country is stable and safe.

The king made the remark on March 28 at the opening session of an Arab summit held in Egypt's Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
