

Turkish President Erdogan Pledges Support for Saudi Arabia Military Operation

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has accused Iran of further aggravating the conflict between Sunniis and Shiites in Yemen.

He insisted that Tehran should immediately retreat its forces from Yemen in order to alleviate the situation, as reported by the Bulgarian National Radio.

Sunni status quo confronts Shiite revisionism in Yemen

With a few days to go before the deadline of the nuclear talks with Iran, a Saudi Arabia-led coalition of forces started to hit rebel positions in Yemen in the early hours of March 26. The move came after a call by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who was forced to flee the capital Sanaa last month, losing control of large chunks of the country to the Iran-backed, mainly Shiite Houthi forces.

Ankara supports Saudi Arabia's military operation against Huthis

Turkey said in a statement on March 26 that it supports Saudi Arabia?s military operation against Huthi rebels in its southern neighbor.

?We support Saudi Arabia?s military operation against the Huthis. We believe this operation will contribute to the prevention of civil war and the strengthening of legitimate state authority in the country,? stated the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

Saudi Arabia launches strikes on Yemen rebels

Saudi warplanes bombed Huthi rebels in Yemen on March 26, launching a military intervention by a 10-nation coalition to prevent the fall of embattled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.
The rebels and their allies within the armed forces had been closing in on main southern city Aden where Hadi has been holed up since fleeing the rebel-controlled capital Sanaa last month.
