

Yemen's Hadi challenges Shiite 'coup' after fleeing Sanaa

Yemen's beleaguered Western-backed president escaped house arrest and fled the capital to friendly territory Feb. 21, labelling as a coup the grab for power by the Shiite militia that had held him.
An aide said presidential guards had sneaked Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi out of his residence in Sanaa, and that he later made it to the main southern city of Aden.

Yemen parties close to a deal to end crisis: UN

Yemen's political parties are edging closer to a deal that would resolve the crisis caused by the Shiite Huthi militia seizing power, UN envoy Jamal Benomar has said.
Parties including the powerful Huthis have agreed on the "form of the legislative authority in the interim period", Benomar wrote on his Facebook page late Feb. 19.

History of Turkish coffee on display

Istanbul's Topkap? Palace Museum is hosting a new exhibition, featuring the 500-year history of Turkish coffee. Organized in collaboration with the Turkish Coffee Culture and Research Association, the exhibition, titled "A Drop of Pleasure: 500 years of Turkish Coffee" opened on Feb. 17 at the museum's Has Ah?rlar section with the attendance of Culture and Tourism Minister Ömer Çelik.

Turkey's interior minister holds talks with Saudi counterpart in Riyadh

Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala has held a meeting with Saudi Arabian counterpart Mohammed bin Nayef in Riyadh during with the pair agreed to continue effective bilateral relations under Saudi Arabia?s new ruler, King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud.

The visit and the meeting were announced late on Feb. 15 in a written statement released by the Turkish Interior Ministry.
