
Gunman Kills 3 in Belgium before being Shot Dead by Police

A gunman killed two police officers and a passerby on Tuesday before being shot dead in the centre of the Belgian city of Liege, public broadcaster RTBF said on its website and authorities said terrorism could not be ruled out as a motive.

The man had taken a woman hostage at some point in the attack, the newspaper La Libre Belgique said.

Belgian authorities conduct major anti-terror operation (pics+vid)

A major ant-terror raid was conducted by Belgian authorities in the region of Schaerbeek, Brussels.

Belgian media reports claim that at least three explosions were heard and that a man was “neutralized” by police during the raid, without mention though whether the person is dead or not.

Pro-Greek demos in Brussels, Amsterdam before crunch summit

Several thousand demonstrators gathered in Brussels on Sunday and several hundred in Amsterdam to plead for solidarity with cash-strapped Greece on the eve of a make-or-break summit with European leaders.

Addressing the crowd in Amsterdam, veteran Greek MEP Manolis Glezos urged Athens' creditors to give the country «one more year» to resolve its debt crisis.