Commission for Combating Corruption

Bulgarian National Assembly Halts Meetings Amid Election Campaign

The majority in the Bulgarian National Assembly has opted to suspend regular plenary sessions and committee meetings for the duration of the pre-election campaign leading up to the parliamentary elections. The decision, which comes amidst a backdrop of heightened political tension and anticipation, has elicited both support and criticism from various quarters.

Election Uncertainty: Bulgaria's Political Landscape Amidst Prime Minister Denkov's Resignation

This week holds the promise of significant developments in Bulgaria's political arena, as discussions continue regarding the country's future leadership. Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, supported by his party coalition "We Continuing the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB), will reisgn on March 6, prompting speculation about the next steps.

National Assembly has Adopted Rules for the Election of Deputy Chairperson and Members of the Anti-Corruption Body

Parliament adopted procedural rules for the election of a deputy chairman and members of the Anticorruption Body.

The proposals contain written motives that justify the high professional and moral qualities of the candidates.

The hearings of the candidates are held at an open meeting of the Commission for Combating Corruption, Conflict of Interest and Parliamentary Ethics.