Development Ministry

Banks may get full access to taxpayer data

By Thanos Tsiros

Banks are looking at having full access to citizens’ tax information as plans are being made to allow them to draw information from the Finance Ministry’s Taxis database on tax declarations and from the ministry’s registers. This process will be implemented via the “Teiresias” interbank system, which is already connected online to all of the country’s lenders.

Development Ministry prepares plan to help firms with their NPLs

The government is planning on tabling an extraordinary two-year plan to deal with businesses’ non-performing loans (NPLs), Development Ministry sources said on Monday.

Greece plans to present the scheme to the troika, which is due to begin its review on Tuesday. It was the subject of a discussion between Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis and Development Minister Nikos Dendias.

Don’t feed the zombies

There can be no growth without resolving the issue of nonperforming business loans. However, the solution to this problem should not be based on old establishment criteria, such as political and other connections. The economy – in other words the market’s sustainable and healthy company sector – is in desperate need of oxygen.
