Dutch Embassy

Outgoing Dutch diplomat’s farewell video attracts attention

A video of Deputy Head of Mission in the Dutch Embassy to Ankara Erik Weststrate prepared for his farewell to Türkiye attracted great attention on social media.

Weststrate shared the video on social media on Aug. 9 and described the places he visited in front of the map of Türkiye expressing his admiration.

Former pension exec wins lawsuit against pension overseer in nationalisation row

Former CEO of NN Pensii pension company Raluca Tintoiu on Friday won a lawsuit brought before the Supreme Court of Justice for the annulment of a fine issued to her by the Financial Oversight Authority (ASF) in 2017 amidst rumours regarding the nationalisation of Pillar II pension plans.

Dutch, US and Israeli ambassadors help pick winners at startup competition

US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt on Friday joined his Dutch and Israeli counterparts, Caspar Veldkamp and Irit Ben-Abba respectively, as well as a team of experts, to help pick the three top winners at a student pitching competition at the Dutch Embassy's Orange Grove forum.

Mauritsstad and the Golden Age | Athens | To September 7

Four acclaimed Brazilian contemporary artists, Eudes Mota, Jeims Duarte, Kilian Glasner and Marcio Almeida, present their views on the legacy of the Dutch occupation of northeastern Brazil between 1630 and 1654 in "Mauritsstad and the Golden Age," an exhibition at the Brazilian Embassy's cultural center, Casa do Brasil, organized in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy.
