European Union

Swiss company to help EPS electricity trade in Europe

BELGRADE - Serbian Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlovic signed on Tuesday on behalf of the Serbian government the Memorandum of Understanding with officials of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) and the Swiss company Alpiq Central Europe, which will assist EPS in electricity trade on the European power market.

Seminar held on EU's Common Agricultural Policy

BELGRADE - Experts from four countries, members of the Visegrad Group, shared their experience on direct payment and the link between the national and the European agricultural market with their colleagues from the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in the seminar on EU's Common Agricultural Policy held on Monday in Belgrade.

Serbia mostly harmonized with EU labor, social policies

BELGRADE - The Serbian legislation has mostly been harmonized with the EU acquis, as shown by the first screenings concerning Chapters 2 and 19 which deal with the freedom of movement for workers, social policy and employment, with some fine adjustments pending, heads of the groups tasked with leading the negotiations on these chapters told reporters on Monday.

Dialogue with Pristina to resume after elections

CACAK – Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said Saturday that the Brussels-based talks with Pristina will resume after Serbia’s March elections.

He told a press conference in Cacak, central Serbia, that the recent arrest of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Citizens’ Initiative ‘Serbia, Democracy, Justice’ is harmful to Belgrade-Pristina relations.

Gender equality is among Serbia’s development issues

BELGRADE - In the context of reforms and European integration process, improving the position of women in Serbia is closely connected with the necessity to use all development potential of society, women involved in Serbia’s European integration process told Tanjug on the occasion of the 2014 International Women's Day.
