
Swedish companies voice confidence in Turkish economy, vow to keep investing: Poll

The top executives of Swedish companies have voiced their trust in the Turkish economy despite recent political and economic uncertainties, pledging to keep making investments both in the short-term and in the medium-term, according to a recent poll. 

Turkey expects AWACS approval by Germany after lifting İncirlik veto

Turkey is expecting Germany's parliament to approve the deployment of surveillance aircraft to support an international coalition's fight against jihadists in Syria following the resolution of a months-long crisis between Ankara and Berlin over the latter's request to let its lawmakers visit German troops at İncirlik Air Base.

2016: The year China kicked G-20 in the butt

The day after the G-20 Hangzhou Summit in China, I read an article in the Jakarta Post. "The G-20 needs a kick in the butt" was its title. The author, the veteran Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani, was asking G-20 countries to leave their 19th century-esque national trenches, finally arrive in the 21st century and start thinking globally.

Health Ministry introduces regulation for pharmacy signboards

In its bid to prevent unfair competition, the ministry adopted a new regulation according to which pharmacies will be able to have lights only on the parts of the signboards where the word "pharmacy" is written. As part of its regulation, the ministry has also released a booklet describing the new standards for pharmacies.  
