
Turkish Lira gains against other emerging currencies for first time in 2017

The Turkish Lira became a surprise winner on Jan. 30 by rising 1.2 percent in spite of Fitch's decision on Jan. 27 to cut the sovereign rating to "junk" and Standard & Poor's unexpected move to lower the outlook on Turkey's rating from "stable" to "negative."

Turkey ranks 75th in corruption perceptions index amid continued downfall

Turkey has ranked 75th in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2016, falling nine places from 2015 and adding to its dramatic decline over the past four years.

According to the results, Turkey scored 41 in the index, a one-point decrease from 42 in 2015. It shared the 75th rank with Bulgaria, Kuwait and Tunisia, decreasing from its 66th rank in 2015.

Int'l investors praise Turkish economy, voice recommendations after key meeting with gov't

Top representatives from 20 global companies have praised the Turkish economy's investment climate following the failed July 15 coup attempt, while also voicing recommendations on improving stability and educational quality, carrying out structural reforms, and prioritizing technology at the 9th Investment Advisory Council Meeting in Istanbul. 
