General Secretariat

CNCAV: Eighth tranche of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine to arrive in Romania on Monday

The National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) announces that the eighth tranche of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, of 163,800 doses, arrives in the country on Monday, by air, at Otopeni, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara airports, informs CNCAV in a press release sent on Sunday to AGERPRES.

Anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign/ Distribution of 36,000 doses of vaccine kicks off on Sunday

The distribution of over 36,000 doses of vaccine requested by the vaccination centers in each county starts on Sunday, the vaccination being thus extended, starting Monday, in all counties, the National Committee for the Coordination of Vaccination Activities against COVID-19 (CNCAV). "Starting tomorrow, January 4, 2021, the Stage I vaccination will be extended throughout Romania.

Gov't: Emergency Ordinance on new structure of Executive - passed

Bucharest, Dec 28 /Agerpres/ - The Government approved, on Monday, the Emergency Ordinance on establishing measures at the level of the central public administration, which regulate the new structure of the Executive and of the ministries. The Emergency Ordinance is promoted as a result of the Decision of the Romanian Parliament no.

Village in Agrafa in strict lockdown as infections spike

Residents of a small village in mountainous Agrafa, central Greece, were told to stay at home for the next five days due to the high viral load in the community, the General Secretariat for Civil Protection announced Thursday.

During this time, food and medicine will be brought into the village of Raptopoulo by municipal and regional authorities.

Take a tour of Santorini like no other

Close your eyes for a moment. When you open them, you'll find yourself in the main square of Fira, on the southern Aegean island of Santorini. Then, as if by magic, you're flying above the cable car, down to the sea and plunging into the caldera to explore the underwater crater before emerging on Nea Kameni to tour the volcanic islet.

Vucic with Riester; "For the subway at least 4.4 billion"

On this occasion, an Agreement was signed between the two governments on cooperation in the field of implementation of priority projects in Serbia. After that, press statements are planned.
The meeting, as previously announced, is scheduled for 11 am, in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic, Media Relations Office of the President announced.

Government: Launch of COVID-19 Official News online platform

The Government, through the Authority for the Digitization of Romania, and the non-governmental organization Code for Romania launched the online platform "COVID-19 Official News" ( and is working on several other such projects regarding responsible social conduct in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus.
