Interior Ministry

Slovenia absolutely supports Croatia’s Schengen entry, minister says

Obrežje – Interior Minister Tatjana Bobnar stressed as she met her Croatian counterpart Davor Božinović in Obrežje, east, on Monday that Slovenia absolutely supports Croatia’s entry into the Schengen zone. Božinović said this is in both countries’s interest, which Bobnar confirmed.

Albania Pushes for ‘Golden Passports’ Despite EU Criticism

An Albanian biometric passport. Photo courtesy: Bevis Fusha / Safran

After first changing the law on private-public partnerships (PPP) by adding the citizenship programmes to lists in which the law can be used, the Albanian government is now mulling hiring private firms to promote this scheme to foreigners.

Country promotes first female general

Özlem Yılmaz, a soldier serving in the Turkish army for nearly three decades, has been promoted to be a brigadier general, becoming the first female general in Türkiye.

"The Republic of Türkiye has given the rank of general to a female soldier for the first time since women started serving in the Turkish army as commissioned officers in 1955," local media has reported.

Turkish citizenship database system provides perfect service: Ministry

In response to the allegations of main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu over faulty voters' information in the Turkish citizenship database system, MERNİS, provided to the Supreme Election Board (YSK), the Interior Ministry stated on Aug. 12 that the system functions properly.

Smugglers’ Truck Capsizes in North Macedonia, Injuring 35 Migrants

Some 35 migrants were injured on Wednesday night when the truck they were traveling in capsized on the road from the village of Udovo to the town of Gevgelija, close to North Macedonia's border with Greece.

According to the Interior Ministry, the injured migrants were kept in the cargo area of the truck that capsized. A total of 49 migrants was discovered at the site of the accident.
